SIPPO support for non-SIPPO countries – Example Sri Lanka
Upon SECO’s ad-hoc requests, SIPPO can provide selective trade promotion knowledge in non-SIPPO partner countries. Within this so-called Component III of the SIPPO programme, SIPPO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) at the end of last year. SIPPO is tasked to facilitate EDB to carry out comprehensive market research studies for selected Sri Lankan export product sectors. Preparations for the execution of the project are currently underway.

(Image: Ambassador for Switzerland in Sri Lanka Dominik Furgler, and Chairman EDB, Suresh de Mel, exchange the MoU)
SIPPO’s support to non-SIPPO-countries encompasses market studies within the six sectors that SIPPO supports. The market studies provide first-hand market information through competent international sector experts about the market access to EFTA and relevant EU countries. The applied methodology is desk research and remote data collection. Local focus points in the partner country facilitate the SIPPO expert’s access to local data sources and stakeholders.
Dissemination of findings through online webinars
To ensure the broad promotion of and accessibility to the elaborated market studies, they are presented to local stakeholders through online-webinars organised by local BSOs including information on the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations for export promotion. These webinars also allow for a direct exchange between BSOs, export companies and the SIPPO sector experts. Activities under SIPPO Component 3 are concluded within 6-12 months.
MOU with Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB)
As a consequence of the MOU signed by H.E. Dominik Furgler, Ambassador for Switzerland in Sri Lanka and Mr. Suresh D de Mel, Chairman & CE, EDB, SIPPO will conduct market research studies to provide first-hand information on market access requirements to the member countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and selected EU countries especially in the Eastern Europe.
Broad range of covered topics
The proposed Market Studies will cover the areas of present trade regulations, non-tariff measures & technical regulations, market access requirements, packaging & labelling, quality standards & certifications, trade related environmental & social requirements, pricing, logistics, information on distribution channels and market demand analysis related to each selected sector for the identified markets in the EU Region. The sectoral market study reports will also include details of main buyers in the identified countries, and this will result in Sri Lankan exporters to expand market access and enhance market share in the European region.
The signage of the MoU has been broadly covered by the media in Sri Lanca. Every single major English newspaper has carried the news and two TV channels broadcast the event with positive posturing given Sri Lanka’s dire economic situation.
State Newspapers
Private Independent Newspapers
Mainstream Online News
Private TV News (Message in English of H.E. Dominik Furgler, Ambassador for Switzerland in Sri Lanka and Mr. Suresh D de Mel, Chairman & CEO, Sri Lanka Export Development Board [EDB] 1:20 – 5:52)