Market Orientation/Buyer Mapping MOC 2022
The Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs of The Republic of Indonesia (MOC), supported by SIPPO, is expanding its network with Swiss and European import institutions and has learned to carry out a buyer mapping/market orientation.

The MOC is now entering the first year with the SIPPO Program and has started the program of a buyer mapping/market orientation for natural ingredient products in a specific target market. This market orientation/buyer mapping is very important for the Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs because it will provide them with important information on market trends, current regulations, distribution channels and business models of the buyers/importers of natural ingredients especially spices, cacao and coconut including their derivatives. Beyond that, the delegation of MOC expanded its network with Swiss and European import institutions and learned how to conduct a buyer mapping/market orientation professionally.
MOC with a clear vision
The MOC has a clear vision on how to promote SMEs to contribute to the Indonesian export turnover and to participate in global markets, especially in Switzerland and Europe. In order to gain a better understanding about market trends, regulatory and buyer requirements, distribution channels, voluntary certifications and the business models of buyers/importers in the Swiss and European markets, SIPPO Indonesia proposed that the MOC conduct a buyer mapping/market orientation survey prior to starting any international export promotion activities for Indonesian SMEs.
Contact to a number of Swiss, France, Spain and Dutch import institutions
From 30 Nov until 8 Dec 2022, the MOC, supported by SIPPO, conducted a buyer mapping/market orientation activity. During this activity, MOC successfully met at least 10 import institutions including buyers/importers namely Your Harvest AG, F&B Affairs AG, Sustainable Cocoa Plattform Switzerland, and Halba Chocolate. Halba is a division of COOP Cooperative, one of the Switzerland's largest retail and wholesales .
In addition, MOC successfully met four buyers-importers from the Netherlands, namely Verstegen BV, Pacific SpiZes BV, Beagley Cooperman BV, InterAromat BV. In addition, MOC visited FIE 2022 (Food Ingredients Europe in Paris) and during this visit MOC successfully met two buyers, namely Excellent Bourbon from France and Sabater Group from Spain. Furthermore, MOC attended a sustainability seminar and learned that sustainability is already an integral part of the business practices in Europe. This was very evident at FIE 2022. Finally, MOC had the opportunity to meet with the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry for a discussion on how to do business in Paris.
Indonesia - EFTA CEPA (Comprehensive Partnership Economic Agreement)
Indonesia and EFTA states (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) have signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and it entered into force on 1 November 2021 after the ratification of all Parties. One of the objectives of the market orientation is to disseminate the IE CEPA to the Swiss importers and identify the business opportunity that can increase from both sides.
Expanded networks improve market access activities
As a result, MOC has now successfully expanded its network and has come into direct contact with 10 import institutions in Switzerland and Europe. This is a very important element for BSOs like the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and their export promotion mandate.
By expanding the network the MOC will be able to improve market access activities for Indonesian SMEs. Further, MOC has learned to conduct buyer mapping/market orientation and engage in good conversations with various import institutions. As a next step, MOC will share this buyer mapping/market orientation survey report with SMEs and other associations in Indonesia. This will enable SMEs and associations to better understand all the requirements from the markets in Switzerland and Europe, and the MOC will use the market orientation report as a reference for organizing B2B matchmaking activities for the natural ingredient sector in the coming year 2023