A l’occasion du salon Halieutis, SIPPO a organisé le 21 février 2019 un séminaire sur les enjeux de la durabilité pour l’industrie halieutique au Stand de la FENIP et une table ronde "Dialogue d’Agadir" en partenariat avec la FAO
As part of the contribution of the SIPPO program to the internationalization of the sectoral fairs organized in MOROCCO, and during the Halieutis fair, SIPPO organized on February 21st a seminar on the stakes of sustainability for the fishing industry at the Stand. of the FENIP.

Also, an Agadir Dialogue Roundtable on Traceability and Social Sustainability in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on 22 February (FAO ) in cooperation with SIPPO, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), and the Information and Advisory Center on the Marketing of Fishery Products in the Arab Region (INFOSAMAK), in collaboration with FENP, and with the participation of the Interprofessionnel Group of Tunisian Fish Products (GIPP).